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About me

I spent my early childhood in Podještědí in the region of Liberec, running around with my brother and other kids from the village. All day long I used to be surrounded by the sounds of nature as well as silence. Although nobody played a musical instrument in my family, my Mum would often sing to us on our walks in the country and for a good night‘s sleep.

I started my primary school in Prague. Apart from my everyday duties I used to spend loads of time in front of the record player because my Dad had a fantastic collection of vinyls.

At the age of sixteen I sang in a church choir despite the fact that I used to wear combat boots and dyed my hair red. The opportunity to sing at the gallery for the audience - accompanied by the sounds of the organ – deeply affected me. After having finished high school I started travelling Europe, Israel, Egypt and Canary Islands. I travelled without specific destination in my mind and exclusively by hitchhiking. Days passed and live music always kept me company. It nicely and naturally filled the unknown space and helped me connect with people I met along the way.

When I came back to The Czech Republic I found my way to traditional music, especially thanks to Zuzana Vlčínská. I instantly fell in love with her arrangements of polyphonic songs and ostinatos she used there. The songs came to life and offered images we immersed in during our classes and rehearsals. Everything started fitting together like puzzle pieces as at that time I also met another person who was a big influence on my future career, Ivana Vostárková. She helped me realize that the voice mirrors the whole human being and I got absolutely fascinated by Ivana’s ability to actually hear what the person was lacking in or how they felt. 

 A brand new world - in terms of perceiving music - opened to me when I started studying a three – year course of music therapy with Jan Chromeček at The Social Academy Tabor in Prague as well as meeting Gunhild von Kries, a music therapist from Berlin. Suddenly I found all my work too full, so I closed the door to jazz and traditional music for a while and opened my arms to silence and also something else that was coming from far away, very gently but it was carrying along all the depth I longed to immerse in. 

At the moment I'm mainly focusing on composing my own songs, improving my loopstation and music programs and my long-term project "Voice Cup".

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© 2023 Adéla Slachová

Web by David Baránek

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